Sunday, August 2, 2009


Andrew Guthrie 與馮偉倫及其他多人的協助下, 已開始了二零零九年香港時尚款式計劃。此計劃將會記錄香港人在二零零九年的時尚風格。由今年七月至十一月,項目將拍攝一百個人的等身全體肖像(立為暫時目標)。項目完成之後,畫像將於畫廊陳列展覽(地址有待宣布)。如果我們已拍了你的寫照,而你並希望拿取一份副本,請以電址郵件方式聯繫我們,寫上你的全名及通信地址,題為 “Photo Request”,寄發到電址郵箱。

如果你想為此項目當模特兒,請寫信給我們的電子郵件信箱,寫上你的聯絡資料並附加一張你的小相片,題為 “I Want To Model”,發送到。我們力求尋找的模特兒特徵無分差別,徵求特點包括平常或特別,富有或貧窮,年輕的或上了年紀的——我們追求的目標是盡可能密切地描繪香港的人口。

The Hong Kong Style Project 2009, which hopes to take 100 full-length portraits of “Hong Kong People” is not an entirely original idea (but still might fill a need or satisfy a desire), and has been undertaken at different times (in the history of photography) and has taken many forms (from the artistic to the bureaucratic):

American photographer Richard Avedon did a series of portraits while traveling around western USA, “looking for faces he liked”

American photographer Amy Arbus (daughter of the iconic photographer Diane Arbus) worked for The Village Voice in New York City during the 1970s and 80s producing a weekly series called “On The Street”

Japanese photographer Shoichi Aoki began in the 1990s to document wildly dressed teenagers in Harajuku in Tokyo in a series (and magazine) called “Fruits”

In addition, Hong Kong Time Out magazine features a photograph of “street fashion” in each issue. So how will we distinguish our project? It’s all in the subject matter, presenting Hong Kong in all its refined and/or ragged glory, looking for “faces we like”.